The Bare Essentials

  So you have a needy little human coming and you are completely lost in what to get and the baby registry has your eyes crossing. You are a minimalist but the quickly approaching due date makes you think you will

Labor isn’t the Worst

So you are pregnant and completely frightened for the dreaded experience of (dun dun dun) labor. Some women compare how long they went through labor. “I labored for 72 hours.” “Well, I labored for 73.” We get it. It sucked.

What NOT to Say to a Pregnant Woman

A lot of strangers will ask you about your pregnancy. I got this a lot at work. These are all questions I was asked and how I wish I could have responded without getting fired. “Are you married?” – “No.

Packing A Practical Hospital Bag

Even though I had planned my hospital bag two month before I went into labor, I ended up taking a lot of stuff I didn’t end up using. This was a huge pain since about 30 minutes after pushing out

Writing Your Birth Goals

Before making this, I talked with my doctor about what was feasible so we were both on the same page. Then we reviewed this during the last 3 appointments just to make sure everything was clear. We printed out multiples

The Bowels of Pregnancy

I’ve said it before and I will say it again. Giving birth feels like the worst constipation you will ever have. You push that baby like the biggest poop you will ever experience. He/she is a little shit before they

Birth Mantras

When I gave birth my AMAZING doula repeated multiple birth mantras to me. Some I came up with and others she came up with. These helped me focus on what I was there to do and channel my energy into

6 Week Bumps & Humps

Somethings you need to know about me to understand the importance of the 6 week mark: 1. I love to exercise 2. I am emotionally high maintenance and when I go too long without sex I get really grumpy The “6

The Dreaded Baby Registry for First Time Mothers

Quick Summary: What do you need for a baby? Nothing really. Except the safety items like a car seat. I tried to think of it like this – cavemen made babies and what did they need? But that doesn’t mean